Tourism Object of Cenderawasih Bay National Park Papua Indonesia

Tourism Object of Cenderawasih Bay National Park Papua Indonesia - Visiting tourism objects in Papua takes a long time, this is because there are many tourist destinations in Papua itself, one of the attractions that attracts tourists is Papua Cenderawasih Bay National Park. This tourism object is claimed to be the largest water park in Indonesia. This region is divided into several areas including the coast, the coast and also the islands that stretch in the northern part of Papua, precisely in the border area of Nabire Regency and Wondama Bay.

Cenderawasih Bay itself is included in the province of West Papua. Here you can find several diverse species of fish, coral reef ecosystems, and mangrove forests scattered around the coast. Tourists usually spend their time doing snorkeling activities to enjoy the underwater beauty.

Besides that, the natural scenery in Cenderawasih Bay is no less amazing, the island group that is there is one of its own magnets for both domestic and foreign tourists. Here you can find several islands that you can visit such as Mioswaar Island, Nusrowi Island, Numfor Island, Yoop Island and other islands. Wow, isn't it amazing?

Route Towards Papua Cenderawasih Bay National Park

To visit the Cenderawasih Bay tourism object in Papua, you can use several means of transportation, which are as follows:

Air Transfers

If you come from outside the city, you can transit first at Frans Kaisiepo International Airport in Biak. Then proceed with an airplane trip to Nabire Airport. Or Manokwari. From here you can continue the journey again to Ransinki by using land transportation. After arriving in Ransinki, the trip was continued by using the motor boat transportation mode to Cenderawasih Bay, which took about 2.5 hours.

Sea Transportation Facilities

In addition to you using air transportation mode, you can also use sea transportation with the aim to the port of Nabire or Manokwari. from the port your journey is continued by using a boat motorbike to Cenderawasih Bay by taking about 6 hours of travel.

Those are some transportation options that you can use to visit the Papua Cenderawasi Bay attractions.

Activities that can be done in Papua Cenderawasih Bay attractions

The most common activities in the Cenderawasi Bay tourist area are to do underwater adventures (Snorkeling and Diving), here you will find many species of fish and coral reefs that are still natural and thriving. There are around 150 species from 15 families of coral reefs that are well developed and spread in the tourist areas of Cenderawasi Bay.

In addition to the fish species, the Cenderawasi Bay tourism area holds about 209 species of fish including anemonefish, angelfish, butterflyfish, damselfish, parrotfish, rabbitfish and also whale sharks and other unique fish species.

Several types of mollusks also inhabit the Cenderawasi Bay tourism areas such as snail cowries, strombidae snails, cone cones, terrestrial tritons and also giant clams. Not only that, several types of sea turtles are also here, including green turtles, hawksbill turtles, olive turtles and leatherback turtles. There are also many species here, right?

In addition to enjoying the beauty of the underwater you can also enjoy the beauty of the beach in the Cenderawasih Bay area, visit several islands such as Rumberpon Island, Nusrowi Island, Mioswaar Island, Roon Island, Yoop Island and Wondesi waters.
