The History Behind the Beauty of the Three Color Lake of Mount Kelimutu Indonesia

The History Behind the Beauty of the Three Color Lake of Mount Kelimutu Indonesia - Mount Kelimutu is part of the Kelimutu National Park. This park is the smallest among other parks in Bali to Nusa Tenggara, but don't get me wrong, even though the location is small, Mount Kelimutu keeps a beauty that we will not find in other national parks. The reason is that with the eruption and eruption of Mount Kelimutu, it adds to its own charm and uniqueness. The existence of the eruption itself resulted in the formation of three separate crater lakes above the summit of Mount Kelimutu. The three crater lakes are so beautiful and charming that they can captivate the eyes of the beholder.

The crater lake on Mount Kelimutu is very unique, because the crater lake has 3 different colors from one another. There are red, blue and white. Tiga Warna Lake is a main tourist attraction on the island of Flores. The crater lake has an area of ​​about 1,051,000 square meters with a water volume of 1,292 million cubic meters. The height of the wall is between 50 to 150 meters. The crater lake wall is relatively steep because it has a slope of 70 degrees. The crater lake is said to be unique not only because of the differences in the three colors, but this crater lake also often changes color.

Scientists who deliberately come and study the three lakes have different opinions about the activity of discoloration on the crater lake on Mount Kelimutu. Some say that this change in color was caused by Mount Kelimutu itself, volcanic activity that continues to erupt and produce gases from the inside becomes a major factor in the change in color of the crater lake. While there are also those who argue that, this is caused by the reflection of sunlight and refraction of light from the crater wall.

In addition, several studies also prove the presence of certain microorganisms that affect color changes in the crater lake. For example, from one of the blue crater lakes, it has now turned green. This also reinforces the opinion of increased volcanic activity and gas content from within along with changes in temperature.

Not only that, in the Kelimutu National Park also keeps various types of beautiful birds that are recorded as extinct. In addition, the flora in the Kelimutu National Park is equally interesting as other national parks. You will be amazed by the natural offerings that the Kelimutu National Park has. There is the term "small - small cayenne" that is the right discussion for tourism in the Kelimutu National Park, although not broad but the charm of its beauty and uniqueness is a special attraction and a pity to miss.

History of the Lake on Mount Kelimutu
Mount Kelimutu was first discovered by Van Such Telenyang who was a Dutch citizen in 1915. But Mount Kelimutu was only known by the public when one named Y. Bouman wrote of his admiration for Mount Kelimutu which kept the charm of a three-color lake in a book in 1929. Since then Mount Kelimutu is known to the world with the beautiful "Three Color Lake" which captivates the hearts of visitors. Many domestic and foreign tourists are curious about the uniqueness of Mount Kelimutu. They visited to enjoy the beauty of the "Three Color Lake" which the local people considered haunted.

Mount Kelimutu is known for its unique "Three Color Lake" which is on the top of the mountain. But behind that, the local community believes that the three lakes contain a mystical aura. The first is a blue lake or commonly referred to as "Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai" the local community believes that this lake is a gathering place for young souls who have died. While the red lake or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is believed to be a gathering place for the souls of evil people during their lifetime. And the white lake or "Tiwu Ata Mbupu" is a gathering place for good souls in his life.

When this crater lake changes color, local people flock to offer offerings to Mount Kelimutu, by throwing it in one of the crater lakes that change color. They believe that when the crater lake changes color then the soul - the spirits that dwell there start to flare up and get angry so the time for them to give offerings.

In the Kelimutu National Park overgrown with thick pine trees and various kinds of rare ferns that we will not be able to find jam on the island of Flores. But strangely, the surrounding area that is not included in the Kelimutu National Park is very barren, sandy, and the land tends to be unstable, so that only certain plants are able to live there. Because of this phenomenon, local people believe that Kelimutu Mountain is a paradise of life.
