Indonesia Aggressively Offers Halal Tourism to Singaporeans

Indonesia Aggressively Offers Halal Tourism to SingaporeansThe Tourism Ministry is increasingly aggressively offering 'Halal Travel' to Singaporeans at 2018 The Internationale Tourismus Börse (ITB) Asia.

Halal Tourism Acceleration Team Kemenpar Riyanto Sofyan said that halal tourism destinations include Halal Cruise to Aceh and Qurbani Tour in Lombok to the trip to Santen Island as halal beach tourism in Indonesia.

"ITB Asia's position is very strategic. There are many big industries here and many visitors. With that position, we have a Halal in Travel Conference. So far the public response is very positive," Sofyan said in his statement on Friday (10/19).

He said the reasons for halal tourism have the potential to improve Indonesia's image as a major destination for halal tourism in the world.

"The potential of Indonesia's halal tourism growth is promising. Learning from Lombok, there are many major steps taken. Lombok is now Indonesia's Halal Jewel branding. It's no longer the Sister Island of Bali," said Sofyan.

According to him, Lombok's economic potential cannot be separated from the 40% increase in tourist visits. In 2016 the number of tourists reached 1.4 million or increased by 1 million people.

"Halal in Travel Conference is very important. There is a lot of information delivered. Because halal tourism destinations in Indonesia are very ready to visit. The carrying capacity of infrastructure and accessibility is also very good," said Acting Deputy of Marketing Development I Kemenpar Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani.
The positive impact of Lombok's halal tourism is increasingly felt, for example the Bile Bante Village which became a Green Tourism Village from the previous mining area.

Then, the financial benefits of the tourism sector have grown by an average of 26.58 percent every period in the last 5 years, which has a positive impact on the income of citizens.

One of them is the culinary businessman Siti Zaenab who now has an income of IDR 30 million per month, which was previously only IDR 1.5 million.

"The concept of halal tourism continues to be developed. Regarding administrative requirements there is also no problem because Indonesia has high standardization. What is clear, halal tourism in Indonesia is very high quality and can be accounted for," said Masruroh.

Furthermore, Tourism Minister Arief Yahya said various efforts were made to support the comfort of tourists. Now network strengthening is done with multilateral organizations in infrastructure development.

"Halal tourism destinations will continue to grow in Indonesia. All aspects are eligible for that. The market response is very good so that investment continues to flow. The infrastructure is complete and good. For that, make sure Indonesia is the top choice for halal tourism," Arief said.

Singapore's target

Arief who visited the Kemenpar booth at ITB Asia 2018 said there were 91 industries and hundreds of consumers gathered at the event held at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore on (18/10).

According to him, there are several reasons Wonderful Indonesia is targeting Singapore as its market. First, surely because the number of foreign tourists is the biggest, before finally overtaking China in 2016.

Second, the organizers were specifically supported by the ITB team.

Third, the Visit Visa Free (BVK) policy which affects the number of foreign tourists entering the border area. Especially foreign tourists entering through the doors of Batam, Bintang, Tanjung Balai Karimun, Anambas and Natuna.

On the same occasion, Bali Sunshine Managing Director Ketut Ardana said that Arief's decision to choose Singapore as a halal tourism target was right.

"It's right that he thinks about the Singapore market and is here. Because the closest and most potential market for Indonesian tourism is Singapore and through Singapore," he said. (egp / asa)
