7 Tourism Objects in the City of Jayapura The Best and Most Popular Papua

7 Tourism Objects in the City of Jayapura The Best and Most Popular Papua - Jayapura City is the capital of the easternmost province of Indonesia (Papua). According to the history of this city already existed around 1910 with the name Hollandia founded by Captain Infantry F.J.P Sachses. Then in 1964 it was changed to Sukarnapura, until in 1968 it was replaced by Jayapura. The meaning of Jayapura itself is taken from the sangsekerta language namely Jaya (Kemenangan) and Pura (Kota) so Jayapura has the meaning of Victory City.

In addition to having a long history, Jayapura City also holds many tourist destinations that are worthy of your visit. As for some of the best tourist attractions in Jayapura, we will review the following article. Ok, we linger on our best tourist reviews in Jayapura. most popular.

Tourist List in Jayapura the Best and Most Popular Papua

Base G Beach

The best tourist attraction in Jayapura Papua this one offers a pretty impressive panorama, you will find sights that are rarely found in other cities in Indonesia. Its location close to the city center makes Patai Base G a favorite place for tourists who come to Jayapura. In addition to the scenery that is quite charming, this beach saves a lot of history of the struggle, especially during World War II.

Base G Beach location is on Tj. Ria, North Jayapura, Jayapura City, Papua, Indonesia, and if you are in Jayapura City, you only need around 15 minutes to get to this tourist attraction in Jayapura.

Youtefa Bay

In addition to Base G Beach, Youtefa Bay can also be used as a tourist destination if you visit Jayapura, tourist attractions in Jayapura this one is a natural tourist park that has a beauty that is enough to attract the attention of travelers. The area of ​​Youtefa Bay alone is 1,675 hectares located in the middle of Yos Sudarso Bay.

The location of the best tourist attractions in Jayapura Papua is at Enggros, Wai Mhorock, Abepura, Jayapura City, Papua, and if you are in the city center, you need approximately 15 minutes to reach the most popular tourist attractions in Jayapura.

Yacoba Beach

Yacoba Beach is a tourist attraction in the city of Jayapura, Papua. Not many people are known yet, but this beach has quite an enchanting natural beauty. The location of the Yacoba beach behind the cliff makes this beach quite unique and interesting. However, access to tourist sites is rather difficult to reach.

The location of tourist attractions in Jayapura this one is in the area of ​​Argapura, Jayapura Sel., Jayapura City. So if you visit Jayapura City, don't forget to stop here to enjoy the natural panorama offered.

Harlem Beach

The next most popular tourist spot in Jayapura is Harlem Beach, this beach is very far from the city crowd, its quite remote location makes Harlem Beach rarely visited by tourists. But the natural beauty offered does not need to be doubted. This beach keeps a very beautiful natural panorama like a piece of paradise in the world.

The location of tourist attractions in Papua Jayapura is located in the Tablanusu Village area in Depapre District, Jayapura Regency, Papua. To be able to visit it you need to travel around 48 km from Jayapura City.

Skow Village

Interesting tourist attractions in Jayapura Papua that offer a border atmosphere are the Skow Village, this village provides a new experience for the travelers who visit it. Here you can find products from neighboring countries that are traded, such as soft drinks and beer. In addition, harmony between residents of different nationalities is very well maintained.

To visit this village, you can travel about 2 hours from the center of Jayapura City. So take the time to go to Skow Village if you are in Jayapura, to know exactly the atmosphere of this eastern Indonesia border area.

Hamadi Souvenir Market

If you intend to buy souvenirs for your family during a visit to Jayapura, Papua, you can visit Hamadi Market. This market provides a lot of souvenirs from Papua, such as koteka, t-shirts, sculptures and so on. Hamadi's market location is quite clean and neatly arranged, with traders who are quite friendly.

The location of the Hamadi Souvenir market is on Jl. Fisheries, Kota Jayapura Papua. So if you want to shop for souvenirs, please come here.

Jayapura Hill

If you want to enjoy the beauty of sunset in Jayapura City, you can visit Bukit Jayapura. Tourist attractions in Jayapura City this one offers a view of the city that is quite interesting besides tourists who come here often use it to take pictures, because the location is quite good as a photo spot.

If you want to visit tourist attractions in this one city of Jayapura, you need about 20 minutes journey from the city center.
